Outdoor Coffee Club (OCC) Ep. 02 – open for all things new.
Sometimes, all you need is a short break from everyday life. A moment to recharge your energy, strengthen your mind and body, and feel ready to take on the challenges ahead. And preferably not alone.
This is exactly what the Outdoor Coffee Club (OCC) offers. Founded by No Normal Coffee, the OCC brings people together who crave nature, new connections, and a well-deserved break. Think of it as a coffee break from the everyday grind – where Smiles per Hour are the ultimate goal. You can watch the video of the second OCC episode to get a climpse of it. Timon (@timon_flu) captured the serenity and tranquility of nature so that we can now share them with you. Who knows? Maybe next time, you'll be there live to experience it yourself. Let it inspire you!
Table of content
A Journey to Schnebelhorn: Community, Fun, and Fondue
For our second Outdoor Coffee Club gathering, we ventured to the Schnebelhorn , the highest peak in the canton of Zurich. In just 50 minutes, a train whisked us away from the bustling Zurich Hauptbahnhof into a breathtaking mountain landscape. Starting from the quaint station of Steg, our adventure began on a serene and scenic path – perfect for easygoing conversations and settling into the rhythm of the day.

But soon, the journey tested us. A steep incline demanded our full effort. Heavy breathing, flushed cheeks, and steaming bodies – the climb pushed us to question our choices: “Why am I doing this again?” Yet, the doubt quickly melted away as our bodies were flooded with endorphins, turning effort into a feeling of exhilaration and vitality. No Normal Coffee Dark Roast was there to support us.
Our destination wasn’t the summit itself but a sunny, sheltered spot that was ideal for a shared meal. This was no ordinary picnic – it was time for a classic Swiss tradition: fondue. Generously sponsored by New Roots, an innovative Swiss company specializing in plant-based alternatives to dairy products.

Like us, New Roots loves to challenge the norm. Vegan fondue? A bold move - especially in Switzerland, where traditional fondue is a culinary institution. Opinions on it may differ, but we admire their mission. Their “La Fondue Vegane” was the perfect addition to our outdoor adventure. So, we fired up the burner, melted the fondue, and in no time, it was ready to enjoy.

And of course, a hot cup of coffee is a must on an OCC day. After the meal, everyone who wanted a cup of No Normal Coffee was given a post-meal boost. Recharged and with the evening sun warming our faces, we began the descent back down the mountain. By the time we reached the bottom, darkness had fallen – winter’s reminder that daylight is fleeting.

On the train back to Zurich, the pleasant exhaustion from a day well spent set in. It felt as though every ounce of tension had been left on the mountain.
Social Interaction: A Key to Mental Health
The Outdoor Coffee Club isn’t just about being outdoors or enjoying vegan fondue; it’s also about connecting with people. Did you know that social interactions are one of the most important pillars of mental health? Studies show they reduce stress, boost mood, and give our brains a sense of belonging – a feeling deeply rooted in human evolution. Community meant safety and survival then, and it still does today.
A Community That Uplifts
At the OCC, we are a group of like-minded individuals who love spending time outdoors and having fun together. Whether you’re an avid hiker or someone who hasn’t stepped onto a trail in years, it doesn’t matter. The OCC is for anyone who’s eager to try something new, meet people, and enjoy a well-earned break.
All you need is:
- ➤ A love for outdoor activities
- ➤ An open mind for new connections
- ➤ Sturdy hiking shoes or other suitable footwear
- (though Alex recently hiked in Vans – however we wouldn't recommend it)
The Outdoor Coffee Club combines the best parts of a coffee break – relaxation, enjoyment, and energy – with the power of nature and community. The best part? Participation is completely free, and we’ll take care of the food and entertainment.
Join us and Experience the OCC for yourself

The Outdoor Coffee Club is your chance to step away from the daily grind, take a deep breath, and discover how refreshing it is to pause and simply be.
Become part of a community that celebrates the small, special moments in life – with a cup of coffee, surrounded by nature, and fueled by plenty of smiles.
We can’t wait to welcome you at the next Outdoor Coffee Club!
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated and be the first to know about the next OCC gathering.
Watch the Video of our last Outdoor Coffee Club!
Featured in this blog
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Outdoor Coffee Club?
A club organized by no normal coffee that brings together a group of people four times a year to go outside, share exciting experiences, and have fun. Our goal is to create a community of adventurous and open-minded individuals who seek new experiences and connections, while enjoying and sharing the beauty of the great outdoors. And maybe have a cup of coffee together ;)
Where Do I Sign Up?
Stay updated on the next OCC by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on Instagram (@wearenonormal). All details about the upcoming trip will be shared on our website. Register via DM on Instagram or directly on the website.
What are my benefits for being a member?
Good company, free food, a day in the beautiful Swiss nature and a lot of endorphins!
How much does it cost?
Nothing - Nada - Niente - Nix.
Related readings
Barmer. (n.d.). Wie Einsamkeit und Depressionen zusammenhängen. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from https://www.barmer.de/gesundheit-verstehen/psyche/einsamkeit/wie-einsamkeit-und-depressionen-zusammenhaengen-1140306
New Roots. (n.d.). Fondue Vegan. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from https://newroots.ch/product/fondue-vegan/
Osteopathie Praxis Hamburg. (n.d.). Soziale Interaktion: Ein Schlüssel zur psychischen Gesundheit. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from https://www.osteopathie-praxis-hamburg.de/soziale-interaktion-ein-schluessel-zur-psychischen-gesundheit/
Ärzteblatt. (2021). Hirnscans deuten auf Zusammenhang zwischen Einsamkeit und Vertrauen hin. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/128020/Hirnscans-deuten-auf-Zusammenhang-zwischen-Einsamkeit-und-Vertrauen-hin
Wissenschaft.de. (n.d.). Wie sich Einsamkeit im Gehirn widerspiegelt. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from https://www.wissenschaft.de/gesellschaft-psychologie/wie-sich-einsamkeit-im-gehirn-widerspiegelt/